I am having trouble with the my UP Faith & Family mobile app
Running into issues using your UP Faith & Family iOS or Android app? Please try the troubleshooting steps below.
- Log out of the UP Faith & Family app
- Restart your device
- Log back into the UP Faith & Family app
If that does not resolve the issue:
- Exit the app UP Faith & Family app
- Turn your device’s Wi-Fi off then on
- Open the UP Faith & Family app again
- Check if there is an update for the UP Faith & Family app (via the iTunes App Store or Google Play Store).
If updating your app does not resolve the issue:
- Try uninstalling the UP Faith & Family app and downloading it again
- Also, make sure your device's OS version is compatible with our app:
- For iOS, the OS version must be 0 or higher.
If these troubleshooting steps do not work, please reach out to our support team. They will be happy to further investigate your issue for you.
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