I recently re-subscribed on my iOS app and my videos are showing locked
Are you having issues accessing your subscription after you re-subscribed to UP Faith & Family?
You might be experiencing issues because your iOS app is not recognizing that this is not your first time subscribing. You previously had a subscription and free trial through our website. Free trials are only good for the first time you use our service.
In order to re-subscribe, you will need to do so again through our website here: https://my.upfaithandfamily.com/checkout/subscribe/purchase?utm_source=support&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=expired
Since you are on a free trial period, you can cancel your current subscription and not get charged through Apple.
Here's how to cancel from "Settings" on your device:
1. Go to Settings > iTunes & App Store.
2. Tap on your Apple ID at the very top of the screen.
3. Tap on View Apple ID and enter your password or fingerprint.
4. Scroll down to find it and tap on Subscriptions, then locate UP Faith & Family and open it.
5. Tap the red Cancel Subscription text at the bottom and you should be good to go!
To view other ways to cancel, visit Apple's guide from their help center here:
Once you re-subscribe on the website, you will be able to access your subscription through all of our apps. Including your iOS app.
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